Victor-LS End of Life ?

Bryan Enfinger

Active Member
I was breezing through the accessories in the store and I noticed that the Victor "pricing not available yet". I hope this isn't an indication of ending of the Victor, I've mentioned our setup (Triumph LS-Victor-LS) to others and they seem interested in the Victor-LS as a low cost RTN receiver. On a side note, will the J-Tip work with the Victor-LS ?


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Aaron S

Active Member
That would be a shame if they were to discontinue it. I don't know a lot about it, or how this setup would work, but it seems that someone could use a Victor LS with a Triumph 1M and have a hell of a good RTN rover. The form factor would be more familiar to users who are used to traditional setups using a separate controller and receiver - there are LOTS of people who don't realize the Triumph LS is a controller and receiver in one. All the while, you'd get the same capabilities as any other RTN rover on the market, but at less than half the cost.

Bryan Enfinger

Active Member
Well, I like mine. We've also got the LS. I've really enjoyed learning the features. It may not have all the bells and whistles that the LS does, but it's pretty damn good as an RTN machine even in the woods. If you've got the patience, it'll go anywhere the LS does.


Active Member
When I am doing 'normal' boundary jobs I really like using my carlson DC with my T1M heads. I need to switch back and forth between GPS, my robot and my conventional TS. I had been thinking that when I do the boundary jobs, strictly in the back woods, it could be neat to get a Victor LS to use with my T1M, and hopefully enjoy the added performance of the LS+ system - while still being able to go back to my traditional setup when needed.

Time will tell I guess - truthfully, the LS+ is still in development. They need to concentrate on getting the flagship system to 100% before looking at the ancenerally systems.

Bryan Enfinger

Active Member
I've got the T2 with my Victor-LS, I've learned if your in a difficult place, is to let it stabilize over the point for about 3-4 minutes to get a stand alone fix and THEN proceed to perform the magic that it does. I've done this countless of times and it never fails. I always recheck the measurement at a later time and find I'm usually within <0.05'. It just amazes me coming from the days of the large L1 only suitcase receivers in the late 80's early 90's. I really look forward to using it. Sometimes when I'm bored and my wife is on my nerves, I grab a cold beer and let mine run on my high multi-path point (that I've measured 10's of times) and simply be amazed

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Victor.... Is it the LS, without gps? It's a controller only?
If I had a victor, could I run my LS, through it?
Ie, like the old gear, with the LS way up tall?