Active Member
I find this question valuable. I have to say that the thing that initially caught my attention with the Javad form back in 2014 was the all in one unit, it's uniqueness, and I am glad I tried it and think it is far superior to the 1990's operating form of a separate controller for reasons already mentioned, and some not. I love this technology and machine, it has revolutionized my wok systems. Going back is, well, going back. One thing I think it is lacking in is that with most of the other GNSS venders you can use the control software to work with terrestrial equipment, like total station, which is still very relevant for many survey situations/applications. I know we were developing JMate to sort of fill this gap, now apparently on ice, but even that I think has some short comings in the terrestrial area of measuring and I really wish I could use my JField application in a merged way with a total station. I know there is all sort of propriatory reasons working with many brands is prohibitive, but how about a JAVAD branded total station, even many companies such as Carlson just rebrand models manufactured by others. I think this is a key element keeping many surveyors from considering JAVAD....