Good news

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Nate, you have an itch and the prescription is more debt and new receivers;)
Ryan, you are partially correct. It will be a while, before I go there. I've got a wife, 12 kids, 8 of which are still at home. 3 grandkids. And more expected.
Our youngest kid at home is 4 months.
We homeschool. And have a milkcow. We make a number of products from cows milk.
I stay busy.
Theologically, we are Non-dispensational, Baptist, but accept pentacostalism, in a mild way. We aren't Calvinist, but we are Eternal security. Jesus is the lawful heir to king David's throne. We are mission minded.
We like to catch and eat fish.

We derive much of our thinking from John chapter 3, Matthew 24, the Pauline Epistles, and the book of Acts.

My parents live nearby. Dad is 92, mom is 88. They have a small garden. And some goats. They are starting to need more help. They have a live-in helper, who is 70. But, we'll wind up taking care of him too, in all likelihood.
Dad's memory is fading pretty fast. He still walks without a walker, and reads the newspaper, without glasses. He is quite independent. But, needs some help.
More debt right now would short somebody, that needs me right now. My next need is a newer computer. And probably the latest version of Carlson.


Vladimir Zhukov

Well-Known Member
Hi Matt,
BDS sats provide two types of signals in the first band: B1 and B1C.
B1 comes from the second generation of BDS sats and the newest B1C was added to the third generation of BDS sats.
You could distinguish between these two signals in the TRIUMPH- LS satellite status screen (see picture attached)
B1C signals are reflected in column A and B1 in column B of BDS signals tracked by the TR-LS.

B1C is supported in TRIUMPH-2 by firmware 4.0 and not by earlier versions.
A shift of central frequency is not required to track B1C, but only to track B1 and only in rev 4-7 of T2 mainboards
At my location, I see as an example 7 sats with B1C and B1, and 9 with B1 only

Also an important comment: very early revisions 1-3 of GNSS mainboards of T2 do not support Beidou tracking at all because of lack of memory.

The changes are not implemented in J-Field Base/Rover yet, because as there are some considerations about implementation and this takes time,



  • STATUSBAR-SATELLITES_20200806-10.51.28.png
    121.1 KB · Views: 428

John Thompson

Well-Known Member
If I send
then Netview returns
ER033%set,/par/l1center/frq,1571%{2,,value out of range}

If I add % to each end and send
then Netview returns OK.

If I send
then Netview returns OK, but does not show the frequency.

If I remove the % off the ends and send
then Netview returns 1575 OK. So the command to set it to 1571 apparently didn't work. Suggestions?

Truimph 2 Firmware 3.7.9 Dec,30,2019
2020-08-06 (2).png
2020-08-06 (2).png

Vladimir Zhukov

Well-Known Member
Hello John,
if you would like to play a little in a manual mode, then
the right place to send GREIS commands is called "GREIS commands" tab :)
The format I would use
the correct response should be
After this command, the following command should be sent
the answer that the command is accepted also
otherwise, a frequency shift will not be applied

%%set,reset,y command causes software reset of the receiver
after receiver restarts, you could check the response for
the answer should be
RE005 1571

when you would configure TRIUMPH-2 as a base, the type of corrections should be selected as RTCM3 MSM Short, because RTCM 3 Min, which you most probably always used with your T2 does not include BDS and GAL signals.

John Thompson

Well-Known Member
I get no response to any command that I enter in the GREIS Commands tab.
2020-08-06 (3).png
If I try to enter the commands in the bottom of the Parameters window in the format you specify, the set command returns
ER01A%1%{2,,value out of range}
The reset command appears to reboot the T2, and the print command returns 1575 OK.

B1C is supported in TRIUMPH-2 by firmware 4.0 and not by earlier versions.
A shift of central frequency is not required to track B1C, but only to track B1 and only in rev 4-7 of T2 mainboards
My receiver firmware and board are as shown here.
2020-08-06 (4).png
I upgraded T2 firmware this morning to 3.7.9. Is 4.0 available?

John Thompson

Well-Known Member
I upgraded Netview & Modem to and clicked on the Capture Channel button and now the GREIS Commands tab responds to GREIS commands, but I still get ER019%%{2,,value out of range} when I give the %%set,/par/l1center/frq,1571 command.

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Yes, it should be either




View attachment 9895
On mine, things are alot different. the "Lock systems" are all un checked. They are greyed out. I cannot check them. Is there a person who can step me through this? Things on my receiver are obviously not the same as what the rest of you seem to have. On mine, none of the "Position Signals" are checked.

Thank you,

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
Here is what I want to accomplish. I want to MAX OUT what I already have. I want to set my T-2 up to run as good as it can. Then, I want to enable the RTPK, (Pay for it) and begin using it. I want to fully utilize what I have. Then, later some upgrades. ie, T-3 and new board in the LS.
Thank you,

Nate The Surveyor

Well-Known Member
OK, I got my laptop NetView updated, and now I can go outside, and see it tracking sats, on my T-2, from MAIN. that is, I see GPS, and GLO and SBAS. however, I still don't see the others. My T-2 is ser number 00728. Is it possible that mine is too old?
Thank you,

Vladimir Zhukov

Well-Known Member
I upgraded Netview & Modem to and clicked on the Capture Channel button and now the GREIS Commands tab responds to GREIS commands, but I still get ER019%%{2,,value out of range} when I give the %%set,/par/l1center/frq,1571 command.

Hi John,

do you have TRIUMPH-2 s/n 01453?
If this is a case, the command will not be accepted, because it is not needed for your receiver as T2 s/n 01453 utilizes mainboard rev 11 .
As we discussed above only rev 4 - 7 need a frequency shift, rev. > 7 do not need any shift to be applied.

You may have just to check that BDS and GAL are enabled for tracking and use in a position

Go to Positioning screen of the NetView&Modem and check checkboxes are checked for BDS and GAL: Lock systems, Lock Signals, Position Systems, Position Signals

Firmware 4.0 is being released right now. We expect it to be uploaded on the web in about 10 days.

Vladimir Zhukov

Well-Known Member
OK, I got my laptop NetView updated, and now I can go outside, and see it tracking sats, on my T-2, from MAIN. that is, I see GPS, and GLO and SBAS. however, I still don't see the others. My T-2 is ser number 00728. Is it possible that mine is too old?
Thank you,
Hello Nate,
Your receiver s/n 00728 utilizes mainboard rev. 6
if you successfully applied a shift, which is needed for your revision, just check that BDS and GAL are enabled for tracking and use in a position

Vladimir Zhukov

Well-Known Member
Also for your information:

sending to receiver

will not be accepted by the receiver as a command.

such sequences are just used to test the connection from PC to receiver.

for example, when sending
receivers returns



Where else %% are useful?
as first two characters starting the command

the response will be
which means command delivered to the receiver.

if you send just

the receiver would not respond at all if no Error in the command structure, but the receiver would also not respond if a command was not delivered at all
This is why the sequence of just %% or with some characters between %HELLO% is very convenient in communicating with the receiver via terminal, but does affect receiver parameters